We have three dedicated rooms for learning, a large cosy sleep room and a lovely outdoor space.
“Staff use a variety of ways to gather information about children’s progress. This helps them to make detailed plans for adult-led activities. “
(Ofsted, July 2019)
We love our baby room- Birth-24Month olds
Bluebells Room
So much to explore for toddlers- 2-3Year olds
Poppies & Sunflowers
2 large rooms- 3-4Year olds
Outdoor Learning Environment
Natural Play Space
We aim to create an environment that is safe and engages every child.
What's your staffing ratio?
Our staff to children ratio is 1:3 for 0-24 months, 1:5 for 2-3 years and 1:8 for 3-5 year olds.
Will my child play outdoors everyday?
Yes, we love outdoor play and make sure children have daily sessions in the garden.
My child is not potty trained.
Not a problem, your child’s keyworker will start training at the nursery and offer you support which you can implement at home.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept Cash, Cheques, Bank Transfer and Childcare Vouchers.